[main]Notes on TeXmacs

Compiling TeXmacs on Ubuntu 22 with Guile3 and Qt5

This guide describes how to compile TeXmacs on Ubuntu 22 with Guile 3 support and Qt 5.

Guile 1.8.8 is no longer supported on modern distributions. Let us build the Guile3 scheme TeXmacs fork.


You need git to download the sources, cmake and g++ to compile them and Guile 3, Qt 5 and freetype as dependencies.

sudo apt install git cmake g++ guile-3.0 guile-3.0-dev libfreetype-dev 
sudo apt install qtbase5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libfreetype-dev libsqlite-dev libjpeg-dev 
sudo apt install libgmp-dev libltdl-dev


Navigate to the directory where you want TeXmacs' sources to be placed in.

Clone the TeXmacs git repository and navigate into it.

git clone https://github.com/texmacs/texmacs.git texmacs-guile3  
cd  texmacs-guile3

Checkout the Guile 3 branch.

git checkout guile3_branch_2.1

Run the configure command (the first dashes are double dashes – it is just weird HTML rendering <dash><dash>with<dash>guile2 etc.).

./configure –with-guile2 –enable-guile2

Compile TeXmacs.

make -j4

The TeXmacs binary is placed in <repodirectory>/TeXmacs/bin/texmacs


To run TeXmacs you have to setup the TEXMACS_PATH variable. Run

export TEXMACS_PATH=<repodirectory>/TeXmacs

then you can run


and TeXmacs should start after it compiled its modules. To make TEXMACS_PATH setting persistent, put the command:

export TEXMACS_PATH=<repodirectory>/TeXmacs

into your ~/.bashrc.